Safety Tops the List for Mowers

Older children and adolescents were most often hurt while cutting lawns as chores or as a way to earn money. Injuries include deep cuts, loss of fingers and toes, broken and dislocated bones, burns and eye injuries. Some injuries are very serious, and the dangers are to the user of the mower and to those nearby.

Here are mower safety tips for children and adults:

  • Try to use a mower with a control that stops the mower from moving forward if the handle is let go.
  • Children younger than 16 years should not be allowed to use ride-on mowers. Children younger than 12 years should not use walk-behind mowers. Do not allow children to ride as passengers on ride-on mowers.
  • Keep children and pets out of the area being mowed.
  • Wear sturdy shoes (not sandals or sneakers) while mowing.
  • Before mowing, inspect the area to be mowed and remove twigs, branches, rocks, toys or other objects, which can be picked up and thrown by the mower.
  • Wear protection for ears and eyes.
  • Refuel and start the mower in the open air, not in a garage or other structure. Do not allow open flames near gasoline.

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