Home Lawns Preen One Lawncare

Preen One Lawncare

SKU 2164168

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Preen One Lawncare delivers three essential lawn treatments in one easy application.  Kill broadleaf weeds, prevent crabgrass, and feed your lawn - in one time-saving step. For a weed-free, worry-free, one-derful lawn.

Select a Size

Preen One Lawncare 3-in-1 weed & feed


18 lb.

Covers 5000 sq. ft.

Preen One Lawncare 3-in-1 weed & feed


9 lb.

Covers 2500 sq. ft.

Preen One Lawncare 3-in-1 weed & feed


18 lb.

Covers 5000 sq. ft.

Preen One Lawncare 3-in-1 weed & feed


36 lb.

Covers 10000 sq. ft.

  • Three essential lawn treatments in one easy application
  • Stops crabgrass all season and can be applied up to 4 weeks after crabgrass emerges
  • Kills over 250 of the toughest lawn weeds* to the root
  • Slow-release nitrogen formulation feeds the lawn for up to eight weeks
  • Only requires one spring application for full seasonal coverage
  • For use on established bahiagrass, bermudagrass, buffalograss, centipedegrass, fine fescues, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescues, and zoysiagrass
  • DO NOT use this product on St. Augustinegrass, colonial bentgrass, dichondra, or carpetgrass as serious lawn injury will result

*Click to see a complete list of weeds controlled.

One application, three treatments.


crabgrass all season and can be applied up to 4 weeks after crabgrass emerges.


dandelions and 250 of the toughest weeds to the root.


your lawn by evenly feeding for 8 weeks without the need to reapply the product.

Watch, learn, then try for yourself

This product may be applied to established lawns as a single application or as split applications in the spring, early summer, or fall. For the best results in the spring, apply this product one to two weeks before the expected germination of crabgrass. When the period of germination for crabgrass and other weeds listed on this label extends into early summer, then a second application can be made at six to ten weeks after the initial application.

Apply the product when grass and weeds are actively growing under adequate soil moisture and favorable temperatures (50°F to 80°F). Do not apply under drought conditions.

In the spring, the ideal time to apply Preen One Lawncare is after the forsythia has bloomed or when the first dandelion flowers appear. For full weed control in lawns in southern areas, make a second application in six to eight weeks for best weed and crabgrass control and for full season fertilization. In the fall, apply Preen One Lawncare when the weather cools and both the grass and weeds are actively growing, generally around Labor Day.

For established lawns, apply Preen One Lawncare when broadleaf weeds are actively growing and prior to germination or tilling of annual grasses. It may be applied as a single application or as a split application in spring, summer, or fall.

You can reseed or overseed a lawn treated with Preen One Lawncare 10 weeks after application.

If the lawn has been seeded recently, wait until after the third mowing before using this product.

For optimum weed control in lawns, apply Preen One Lawncare to grass when the lawn is wet from rain, dew, or sprinkling, as this product needs to stick to the leaves of broadleaf weeds. The lawn should not be watered or disturbed for at least 24 hours after application.

For best results, we recommend that you:

  • apply when no rain is expected in the next 24 to 48 hours – preferably 48 hours
  • not mow the area to be treated for 3 days before application and 3 days after application
  • apply to a wet lawn (for example, wet from morning dew, irrigation, or recent rain)
  • do not irrigate the treated area after application for 24 to 48 hours – preferably 48 hours

Apply this product when the wind is calm. Do not apply this product to desirable plants or shrubs as damage may result. If the product gets onto other plants, immediately brush or wash it off the foliage.

Use a drop or rotary spreader designed to apply granular fertilizers. Uniform coverage is essential for best results. It should take approximately 2 to 4 weeks to see the label-listed broadleaf weeds succumb.

For use on established bahiagrass, bermudagrass, buffalograss, centipedegrass, fine fescues, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescues, and zoysiagrass.

DO NOT use on St. Augustinegrass, colonial bentgrass, dichondra, or carpetgrass as serious lawn injury will result.

This product is not for use:

  • on dichondra, carpetgrass, colonial bentgrass or turf mixes including desirable clovers, or St. Augustinegrass in Florida
  • within 25 feet of open water including rivers, streams, fish ponds, lakes, and marshes
  • where it can enter or wash into storm drains or drainage ditches
  • where the water table is shallow and soils are permeable, near wells or cisterns
  • within the drip line of desirable trees and shrubs

Note: Do not use clippings of treated grass as mulch or in compost piles.

What are the active ingredients in Preen One Lawncare?

1.108%  of 2,4-D, 2-ethylhexyl ester

0.167% Mecoprop-p

0.071% Dicamba

0.160% Dithiopyr

What are the other ingredients in Preen One Lawncare?

The carrier agent/particle for the active ingredient which can be corn cob, limestone, etc.

How does this product work?

Preen One Lawncare contains three components to provide control of most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds commonly found in home lawns.

The preemergent herbicide can be applied to established turfgrass to control, annual bluegrass, annual ryegrass, Barnyardgrass, barley++, brome++, crabgrass (large, smooth, southern), dallisgrass (seedling)++, goosegrass, foxtails(green, yellow, giant++), and other undesirable annual grasses. 

The fertilizer contains nutrients for turfgrass uptake.

The post-emergent broadleaf herbicide will control over 250 lawn weeds* including dandelion, chickweed, thistle, and clover. 

Which weeds are controlled by Preen One Lawncare?

See Use Directions for complete list of weeds controlled. 

How long does Preen One Lawncare control weeds?

Preen One Lawncare stops crabgrass and most annual grassy weeds all season and can be applied up to 4 weeks after crabgrass emerges. Preen One Lawncare kills dandelions and up to 250 other tough lawn weeds as listed, to the root.

annual bluegrass

annual ryegrass

artichoke thistle


Austrian fieldcress



bird vetch

bitter wintercress


black medic

black mustard

blackeyed Susan

blackseed plantain

blessed thistle

bloodflower milkweed

blue lettuce

blue vervain


Brazil pusley

bristly oxtongue

broadleaf dock

broadleaf plantain


buckhorn plantain

bull thistle



burning nettle


California burclover

California buttercup

Canada thistle

Carolina geranium


catchweed bedstraw









common mallow

common mullein

common sowthistle

corn speedwell

creeping beggarweed

creeping jenny

creeping woodsorrel

crimson clover


cupid shaving brush

curly dock

daisy Fleabane





English daisy

false dandelion

false sunflower



field bindweed


Florida betony

Florida pusley





green foxtail

ground ivy



hairy bittercress

hairy fleabane

hairy galinsoga

hare barley



heartleaf drymary

heath aster

hedge bindweed

hedge mustard



hoary cress

hoary plantain

hoary vervain

hop clover

horrible thistle


India mock strawberry


Kikuyu grass




large crabgrass

largeflower pusley



milk vetch

morning glory

mouseear chickweed

mouseear hawkweed


musk thistle

narrowleaf vetch

orange hawkweed

oriental cocklebur

oxeye daisy

parsley piert




plains coreopsis

poison ivy

poison oak


prairie sunflower

prickly lettuce

prickly sida

prostrate knotweed

prostrate pigweed

prostrate spurge

prostrate vervain




red clover

red sorrel

redroot pigweed

redstem filaree

rough buttonweed

rough cinquefoil

Russian pigweed

scarlet pimpernel

Scotch thistle

shepherds purse

slender plantain

smallflower galinsoga

smooth chaff-flower

smooth crabgrass

smooth dock

smooth pigweed



southern crabgrass


spiny amaranth

spiny cocklebur

spiny sowthistle

stinging nettle

strawberry clover

tansy ragwort




trailing crownvetch

tumble mustard

tumble pigweed


Venice mallow

Virginia buttonweed

Virginia creeper

Virginia pepperweed

western clematis

western salsify

white clover

white mustard

wild aster

wild buckwheat

wild carrot

wild four-o'clock

wild garlic

wild marigold

wild mustard

wild onion

wild parsnip

wild radish

wild rape

wild sweet potato

wild vetch

wild violet

wood nettle

woolly croton

woolly plaintain


yellow foxtail

yellow joyweed

yellow woodsorrel

yellowflower pepperweed

Bulbs, Flowers, Ground Covers & Ornamental Grasses

Augustinegrass (Saint) Stenotaphrum secundatum

Bahiagrass Paspalum notatum

Bermudagrass Cynodon

Bluegrass (Kentucky) Poa pratensis



Creeping bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera

Fescue (fine)

Fescue (Tall)

Grass (Zoysia)

Ryegrass (Perennial) Lolium perenne