6 U.S. Native Trees for Home Landscapes
If you’re planning to add trees to your landscape, choose from one of these 6 trees that are native to most of the U.S.
Azaleas thrive in areas where they don’t have to deal with harsh conditions - such as beating sun or heavy winds. J Park / iStock / Getty Images Plus
The azalea is one of America’s most popular and beloved flowering shrubs, showing up in landscapes from the Pacific Northwest to the deep south of Louisiana and Florida and almost everywhere between.
Planted in a happy spot, these prolific late-spring bloomers can live for decades with very little care. Give them the wrong location or care, though, and they’re not very forgiving. Know a few key needs of azaleas, and you’ll greatly reduce their early death rates.
Things not to do when planting azaleas:
Things to do when planting azaleas:
Regular watering is especially important in the first two to three years until the roots are established. In dry autumns, it helps to soak azaleas just before the ground freezes – especially evergreen azaleas that continue to lose moisture through the leaves all winter.
If you’ve planted a borderline-hardy variety or have a windy site, erect burlap barriers in front of your azaleas heading into winter to protect them from cold, drying winds.
Finally, one of the best ways to nurture a plant is to keep the area around the plant weed free. Without weeds, your valuable plants can grow larger and stronger. With Preen Garden Weed Preventer Plus Plant Food, you can do just that - prevent weeds from growing in the area for up to 3 months while also feeding your plants to promote beautiful color, foliage, and strong roots.