How it Works: Preen Garden Weed Preventers
Here's how our Garden Weed Preventers prevent weeds before they even sprout rather than killing them after they’ve already had the chance to grow.
Carpetweed is a summer annual weed that can quickly cover bare soil and can be especially annoying in new garden beds.
Carpetweed with flowers. Photo courtesy Richard Old
Carpetweed (Mollugo verticillata) forms a flat, circular, close-to-the-ground mat as its stems radiate from the center of the plant. A non-native summer annual weed, carpetweed has tiny, white flowers with five petals and tongue-shaped leaves. It grows from a taproot and it spreads by seed. It is particularly fond of recently disturbed soil, such as in new garden beds or lawns.
Carpetweed seeds germinate starting in late spring and continuing through the growing season. Once it sprouts, it grows quickly forming mats. Tiny white, star-shaped flowers appear in late summer. Carpetweed continues to bloom and set seeds from mid-summer to early fall.
Pull carpetweed plants before they go to seed. It's easiest to pull when plants are young and soil is moist.
In garden beds, mulch can reduce or prevent its growth. In lawns, crowd out carpetweed by maintaining thick, healthy turf and regular mowing.
The best way to eradicate this weed is to keep the seeds from germinating.
Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer prevents more than 125 weeds for up to 6 months around 600 perennials, groundcovers, trees, and shrubs.
Preen Garden Weed Preventer prevents weeds for up to 3 months in flower & vegetable gardens and around groundcovers, trees, and shrubs.
Preen Garden Weed Preventer Plus Plant Food prevents weeds for up to 3 months and feeds plants with one easy application. Use in flower & vegetable gardens and around groundcovers, trees, and shrubs.
Preen Lawn Weed Control kills over 200 tough broadleaf lawn weeds including carpetweed, down to the root.
Choose the right Preen product, for your specific gardening needs. Before you apply any herbicide, carefully read the entire label for exact weed species controlled and sites where it can be safely used. Always review precautionary information and restrictions and follow directions for use.