Prevent Field Bindweed From Germinating and Taking Root

Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) is an aggressive perennial broadleaf weed with has a root system that is 20 or 30 feet deep or more, making this plant very difficult to control.

This weed trails for several feet along the ground, forming a mat until it finds something to climb, such as shrubs, perennials, annuals or vegetables. It has a white or pinkish-purple 1- to 2-inch trumpet-shaped flower that is open until late afternoon, when it closes to reopen the next morning. Leaves are 1 to 2 inches long and arrowhead-shaped.

Field bindweed may root wherever a piece of the plant touches the soil, so if pulling, make sure to pick up each piece. Bindweed is very drought-tolerant and seems to thrive in clay soils.

You can control field bindweed by vigilantly removing the top growth from the plants. This will eventually starve out the plant, but this can take some time and requires constant removal. Existing plants in the lawn also can be eliminated with granular broadleaf weed killers. Preen Lawn Weed Control and Preen One Lawncare, for example, kill mallow in lawns without harming the surrounding turf grass.

In garden beds, after removing all traces of bindweed, it's also important to keep bindweed seeds in the soil from sprouting. Bindweed seeds can remain viable in the soil for over 50 years and seeds that sprout will grow quickly to produce root buds that can grow new plant shoots within a month. A thick layer of mulch will help to suppress the weed. An early spring application of Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer will keep field bindweed seeds from sprouting. Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer prevents the growth of more than 125 varieties of weeds for up to six months, including field bindweed, dandelions, mustards, white clover, pigweed, purslane, oxalis, spurge, and lambsquarters. Apply Preen again in early fall to keep winter annual weeds such as chickweed, hairy bittercress, henbit, marestail, shepherdspurse and speedwells from sprouting.

Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer is a high-quality hardwood product enhanced with a weed-preventer that keeps field bindweed seeds from germinating for up to six months. Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer comes in Russet Red, Midnight Black and Chestnut Brown, and is available at Lowe’s and select independent garden centers. Always read and follow label directions.


Photo courtesy of Smithsonian Institution, Richard A. Howard Photograph Collection.

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