creeping woodsorrel

Oxalis corniculata

Weed Characteristics

Other Names: yellow sorrel

Leaf Type: Broadleaf

Flowers: Yellow

Leaves: Trifoliate leaves with three rounded leaflets resembling a clover.

Life Cycle: Perennial

This non-native plant has small, yellow, five-petalled flowers that close when not in direct sun. Creeping sorrel is often confused with O. stricta, but is more low-growing and spreads by above ground stolons that root. Explosive seed capsules shooting seeds several feet when disturbed.

Products That Control This Weed

For Gardens

Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer bottle
Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer
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For Lawns

Preen Lawn Crabgrass Control
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For Lawns

Preen Lawn Weed Control
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For Lawns

Preen One Lawncare
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