red sorrel

Rumex acetosella

Weed Characteristics

Other Names: common sheep sorrel, dock, field sorrel, sheep sorrel, sour dock, horse sorrel

Leaf Type: Broadleaf

Flowers: Female plants: Red-brown, Male plants: yellow-green

Leaves: Arrow-shaped with 2 lobes at the , fleshy

Life Cycle: Perennial

Leaves are typically paddle or arrow-shaped, fleshy, and have a sour taste. Knobby flowers are clustered along an erect, leafless stalk. Root system is extensive but shallow. Found in acidic soils with low fertility and poor drainage.

Products That Control This Weed

For Lawns

Preen Lawn Weed Control
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For Lawns

Preen One Lawncare
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For Gardens

Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer bottle
Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer
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For Gardens

Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer
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