
Descurainia pinnata

Weed Characteristics

Other Names: green tansymustard, western tansymustard, pinnate tansymustard, pinnate tansy mustard

Leaf Type: Broadleaf

Flowers: Yellow

Leaves: Pointed leaves with feathery, smooth and divided edges; some hair

Life Cycle: Annual or biennial

A weedy annual native in the mustard family with alternate finely dissected gray-green leaves along the stem and an upright, branching habit. Bright yellow flower clusters start at the ends of branching stems. Flowers become slender seedpods. Grows 1 to 3 ft. tall. One of the earliest weeds to bloom.

Products That Control This Weed

For Lawns

Preen Lawn Weed Control
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For Lawns

Preen One Lawncare
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For Gardens

Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer bottle
Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer
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For Gardens

Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer
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