yellow woodsorrel

Oxalis stricta

Weed Characteristics

Other Names: sourgrass, toad sorrel, common yellow oxalis, erect woodsorrel, upright yellow wood-sorrel, upright yellow woodsorrel, creeping woodsorrel

Leaf Type: Broadleaf

Flowers: Yellow, five-petalled

Leaves: Heart shaped leaves with divided edges; little hair

Life Cycle: Perennial

Typically a low, spreading plant. Leaves have 3 heart-shaped leaflets like clover, green, but can have a purple cast. Leaves fold at night. Stems are upright and can grow up to 20 inches. Primarily reproduces by seeds but forms a long taproot and can spread by rhizomes. When ripe, seeds are ejected from capsules and can travel 12 ft. Dropped seeds can germinate immediately in warm, moist soil. Prefers shade. Plants for a long tap root Native to North America and Eurasia.

Products That Control This Weed

For Gardens

Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer bottle
Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer
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For Lawns

Preen Lawn Crabgrass Control
Preen Lawn Crabgrass Control
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Preen Garden Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control
Preen Garden Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control
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For Lawns

Preen Lawn Weed Control
Preen Lawn Weed Control
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For Lawns

Preen One Lawncare 3-in-1 weed & feed
Preen One Lawncare
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