Home Preen Garden Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control

Preen Garden Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control

SKU 2464188

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In one step, Preen Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control creates an effective home barrier around foundation beds that prevents new weeds from growing and kills more than a dozen listed insects on contact—guaranteed.

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Preen Garden Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control


4.25 lb.

Covers 1000 sq. ft.

Preen Garden Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control


4.25 lb.

Covers 1000 sq. ft.

  • Forms a protective barrier that stops weed seeds* from rooting
  • Kills foraging ants before they enter your home
  • Kills fleas that may bite your pets
  • Kills ticks that could carry Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease
  • Stops weeds for up to four months, guaranteed
  • Apply any time during the growing season around established plants and transplants in foundation, flower, and landscape beds
  • Not available for sale in NY; product may not be shipped, sold, or used in CA
  • DO NOT use on vegetable gardens or lawns

Insects controlled: Annual Bluegrass Weevils (Hyperodes) (Adult), Ants, Imported Fire Ants (Adult), Armyworms, Billbugs (Adult), Crickets, Cutworms, Black Turfgrass Ataenius (Adult), Centipedes, Chinch Bugs, Earwigs, Fleas (Adult & Larvae), Grasshoppers, Leafhoppers, Mealybugs, Millipedes, Mole Cricket (Adult), Mole Cricket (Nymph), Sod Webworm, Ticks (including ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted fever)

*See use directions for a complete list of weeds controlled.

4 easy steps to free yourself from weeding™


Start by removing any existing weeds around foundation beds.


Flip the top, tilt the bottle, and shake to distribute evenly. Works even better with mulch.


Use a rake to work the granules into the top layer of soil or mulch or stone-covered bed.


Water the area where applied to activate the protective weed barrier.

Watch, learn, then try for yourself

Apply Preen Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control anytime during the growing season. Apply only around established plants and transplants. It should not be used on flower seeds, but may be used after flowering plants have germinated and are 2-3 inches tall. Since it does not kill existing weeds, you must first remove any weeds that have already begun to grow. To keep ornamental beds free all season long of listed weeds, reapply this product every four months. Make no more than 2 applications per site per year. Controls listed insects except ants and fleas up to one month. Kills fire ants up to 6 months.

Sprinkle the product granules evenly over soil or mulch in flower and landscape beds. Apply when plants are dry so granules don’t stick to foliage. If stray granules land on foliage, dry brush them off. It’s very important to water the product in or apply just prior to rain. Water activates both the weed preventer and the insect killer. Do not water to the point of soil run-off. Once activated by watering, this product forms a barrier in the top layer of soil or mulch to prevent listed weed seeds from germinating. The product will also kill listed insects that enter the treated bed on contact. This is a surface insect control product — do not apply to insect mounds or tunnels. Disturbance to the soil surface after activation may result in erratic control.

For best control of listed weeds and insects, we recommend applying Preen Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control on top of mulch. Spread a layer of mulch on your flower and shrub beds, then sprinkle the product on top and integrate with a rake. Water the product into the mulch to activate. Always brush off stray granules from plant foliage as it may burn or discolor the leaves.


  • Annual Bluegrass Weevils (Hyperodes) (Adult)
  • Ants
  • Imported Fire Ants (Adult)
  • Armyworms
  • Billbugs (Adult)
  • Crickets
  • Cutworms
  • Black Turfgrass Ataenius (Adult)
  • Centipedes
  • Chinch Bugs
  • Earwigs
  • Fleas (Adult)
  • Fleas (Larvae)
  • Grasshoppers
  • Leafhoppers
  • Mealybugs
  • Millipedes
  • Mole Cricket (Adult)
  • Mole Cricket (Nymph)
  • Sod Webworm
  • Ticks (including ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted fever)

What is the active ingredient in Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control?

0.27% herbicide Dithiopyr (Dimension)
0.11% insecticide Bifenthrin

What are the other ingredients in Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control ?

Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control also contains granulized corncobs as the carrier agent.

How does Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea and Tick Control work?

Once activated by watering, Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control creates a barrier in the top layer of soil or mulch that prevents listed weed seeds from germinating and kills listed insects on contact. The barrier lasts up to 4 months.

Where can I use Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control?

This product is specifically designed for use in foundation beds. It can be used in flower and landscape beds, xeriscapes, rock gardens and around groundcovers, trees and shrubs. This product is not for use on vegetable gardens or around edible plants or edible bearing fruit or nut trees.

How long does Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control prevent its label listed weed seeds from germinating?

The effective weed barrier lasts up to 4 months per application. Earlier reapplication may be necessary should unusually heavy rains occur .

What weeds does Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control kill?

None — this product is a weed preventer. It does not kill or inhibit existing weeds in any way. It stops new weeds before they start. Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control helps to prevent its label listed weed seeds from germinating up to 4 months per application.

How long does Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control continue to kill its label-listed insects on contact?

Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control is a long-residual pyrethroid insecticide that kills surface foraging insects on contact. As with the active weed preventer in Preen, this ingredient degrades in sunlight if not watered in. Once the broadcast granules are watered in, and the product is activated, it continues to kill listed insects on contact. Reapply the product every 4 months.

Where should Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control be used to kill listed insect pests?

Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control is for use in garden and landscape beds and around non-bearing fruit and nut trees. It kills surface insects on contact as they forage. Broadcast the granules on top of the soil or mulch in flower beds, xeriscapes, rock gardens and around groundcovers, trees and shrubs. Do not apply this product directly to insect mounds or tunnels. Do not use in vegetable gardens, around bearing fruit or nut trees or on lawns.

What are the particles on the soil surface after I watered Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control?

They are a carrier agent. The granules are made of corncobs and will biodegrade over time.

Why is the Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control container not full?

Preen® Weed Preventer Plus Ant, Flea & Tick Control is packaged/sold by weight not by volume; if you weigh the container you will find that the weight is as stated or slightly higher.

Do you have a guarantee on your products?

Preen® Guarantee: To the extent consistent with applicable law, Lebanon Seaboard Corporation guarantees you will be satisfied with the performance of Preen® products when used as directed, or your money back. If not satisfied, describe the nature of your problem, and send with proof of purchase to:</p/>

Lebanon Seaboard Corporation
1600 East Cumberland St.
Lebanon, PA 17042

Bulbs, Flowers, Ground Covers & Ornamental Grasses

Ajuga bronze beauty

Ajuga carpet bugle (Bronze)

Basket flower

Beach grass

Bee balm

begonia Begonia

Blackeyed Susan (Goldstrum)

blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta

Bronze beauty

Broom (Moonlight)

Broom (Vancouver Gold)

Candytuft (Snow white)

Carex (variegated)

Carpet bugle


Chinese Aster (Dwarf Queen)

cockscomb Celosia argentea var. argentea

Coleus (Red kewpie)

columbine Aquilegia

Coreopsis (Moonbeam)

Corn flower

Daffodil (King Alfred)

Daylily (Aztec Gold)

Daylily (Bright yellow hybrid)

Daylily (Single gold evergreen)

Daylily (Wilsonis yellow)

Delphinium (Magic fountain)

Dianthus Dianthus

dusty miller Centaurea cineraria


Fern (Tiki)


Fescue (blue)

fountain grass Pennisetum setaceum



Grass (Mondo)

Grass (Ribbon)

hairgrass Deschampsia caespitosa

hardy geranium Geranium

Hibiscus (Blue Bird)

Hibiscus (Brilliant)

Hibiscus (Hula Girl)

Hosta (Albo-marginata)

ice plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum

Impatiens Impatiens

Iris (Dwarf blue)

Iris (Wedgewood)

Ivy (Bulgeria English)

Ivy (Thorndale English)

ivy Hedera helix

Japanese pachysandra Pachysandra

Jasmine (Asian)

jonquil Narcissus

Lily (African blue)

Lily (African)

Lily turf (Evergreen giant)

Lily turf (Lilac beauty) Liriope muscari Lilac Beauty

Lily turf (Majestic) Liriope muscari Majestic

Lily turf (Monroe white)

Lily Turf (Variegata)

Liriope (Green)

Marigold (Honeycomb)

Marigold (Variegata)

Marigold (Wheelers dwarf)

Nana bog rosemary

Osteospermum (Wirligig)

pampas grass Cortaderia selloana


Paper flower (Barbara Karst)

Periwinkle (Dwarf)

periwinkle Vinca

Petunia (Picoti)

Plumoso cockscomb (Scarlet plumose)

Potentilla (Abbotswood)

Rockcress (Snowcap)

Salvia (Rhea)

Sedum (Dragon blood red)

Sedum (Red carpet)

Sedum (Yellow)

Shrub verbena


sweet william Dianthus barbatus

Sweetflag (Grassy-le)

Tulip (Apeldoorn)

Vervain (St Paul)

Yarrow Achillea millefolium


Abelia (Nana dwarf)

Arborvitae (Golden)

Arborvitae (Nigra)

Arborvitae (Pyramidalis)

Arborvitae (Smaragh)

Arborvitae (Techny) Thuja occidentalis Techny

Arborvitae (Woodwardii)

arrowwood Viburnum dentatum

Azaleas (Brilliant)

Azaleas (Buccaneer)

Azaleas (Carror)

Azaleas (Chimes)

Azaleas (Elsie Lee)

Azaleas (Exbury)

Azaleas (Fashion) Rhododendron Fashion

Azaleas (Flame) Rhododendron calendulaceum

Azaleas (Hardijzer beauty)

Azaleas (Hershey red) Rhododendron Hersheys Red

Azaleas (Higasa)

Azaleas (Hino crimson) Rhododendron Hino-crimson

Azaleas (Holland hybrid)

Azaleas (Kirishima)

Azaleas (Marion Lee)

Azaleas (Northern lights)

Azaleas (Orange cup)

Azaleas (Orchid lights)

Azaleas (Snow)

Azaleas (Southern Charm)

Barberry (Aurea)

Barberry (Auropurea purple)

Barberry (Dwarf pygmy)

Barberry (Green)

Barberry (Kobold)

Barberry (Pygmy red)

Barberry (Rose glow) Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea Rose Glow

Bearberry (Massachusetts)

bottlebrush Callistemon

Boxwood (Japanese) Buxus microphylla japonica

Boxwood (Weller)

Camellia (Chansonette)

Camellia (Debutante)

Camellia (Mathotiana supreme)

catawba rhododendron Rhododendron catawbiense

cotton easter Cotoneaster

coyote brush Baccharis pilularis

crepe myrtle Lagerstroemia indica

cycad Cycadopsida

Dogwood (Flaviramea American)

Euonymous (Argenteo-variegata)

Euonymous (Auereo-marginata)

Euonymous (Colorata)

Euonymous (Emerald Gaiety)

Euonymous (Gold edge)

Euonymous (Gold Princess)

Euonymous (Tricolor)

Euonymous (Vegetus)

Euonymus (Emeraldn gold) Euonymus fortunei Emerald & Gold

Euonymus (Silver king)

Fetterbrush (Rainbow)

Forsythia (Arnold dwarf)

Forsythia (Bronxensis)

Forsythia (Lynwood Gold)

Forsythia (Meadowlark)

Gardenia (Mystery)

Gardenia (Radican)

Guava (Pineapple)

Heather (Mediterranean pink twisted)

Holly (Blue boy)

Holly (Blue girl)

Holly (Burfodii)

Holly (China girl)

Holly (Compacta)

Holly (Forsteri)

Holly (Helleri)

Holly (Japanese northern beauty)

Holly (Needle point)

Holly (Nellier Stevens)

Holly (Savannah)

Holly (Yaupon)

holly Ilex cornuta

holly Ilex crenata

Honeysuckle (Claveys dwarf)

Honeysuckle (Halliana)

Honeysuckle (Tatarian Canadian white)

Honeysuckle (Zebelli red hosta honeysuckle)

Juniper (Arcadia)

Juniper (Armstrong)

Juniper (Bar harbor)

Juniper (Blue chip)

Juniper (Blue pacific)

Juniper (Blue rug)

Juniper (Blue star)

Juniper (Broadmoor)

Juniper (Buffalo)

Juniper (Calgary carpet)

Juniper (Emerald sea)

Juniper (Emerald spreader)

Juniper (Endora compacta)

Juniper (Fruitlandi)

Juniper (Gold tip)

Juniper (Green)

Juniper (Hetzi)

Juniper (Hughes)

Juniper (Manhattan blue)

Juniper (Parsonii)

Juniper (Pfitzeriana)

Juniper (Plumosa)

Juniper (Prince of Whales)

Juniper (Procumbens dwarf)

Juniper (San Jose)

Juniper (Sargent blue)

Juniper (Sargent green)

Juniper (Scandia)

Juniper (Scopulorum moonglow)

Juniper (Scopulorum skyrocket)

Juniper (Spartan)

Juniper (Tamariscifolia)

Juniper (Weberi)

Juniper (Youngstown)

Juniper (Yukon belle)

Laurel (Australian)

laurel Kalmia latifolia

Leaf (Copper)

Leucothoe (Japanese)

Leucothoe (Ligustrum)

Lily-of-the-Valley (Mountain fire)

Moss rose (Sunnyside)

Myrtle (Faurei crape)

Myrtle (Langer crape)

Myrtle (Muscogee crape)

Myrtle (Standard pink crape)

Nandina (Compacta)

Nandina (Nana)

nandina Nandina domestica

Oleander (Hardy red)

Oleander (Petite pink)

Oleander (Sister Agnes)

Palm (Bangalow)

Palm (King)

Palm (Windmill)

palm Arecastrum romanzoffianum

palm Chamaerops humilis

Palm Washingtonia robusta

Photinia (Red tip)


Pittosporum (Japanese)

Privet (Regal)

Privet (Texanum)

Privet (Vicary golden)

Privet (Wax)

Privet (Yellow tip)

privet Ligustrum lucidum

Pyracantha (Gnome)

Pyracantha (Lalandei)

Pyrcantha (Victory)

Rhododendron (Album)

Rhododendron (Carolina)

Rhododendron (Cunningham White)

Rhododendron (Fashion)

Rhododendron (Hardy)

Rhododendron (PJM)

Rhododendron (Purple Gem)

Rhododendron (Silvery pink)

Rodie Max (Rosebay) Rhododendron maximum

Rosa (Lutea) Rosa banksiae Lutea

Spiraea (Anthony Waterer)

Spiraea (Dolchia)

Spiraea (Fabail)

Spiraea (Frobeli pink)

Spiraea (Goldenflame red)

Spiraea (Snowmound)

Spiraea (Vanhoutte white)

spirea Spiraea X arguta

Trumpet flower (Evening) Gelsemium sempervirens

Viburnum (American cranberry bush)

Viburnum (Common snowball)

Viburnum (European cranberry bush)

Viburnum (Linden)

Viburnum (Mohican)

Viburnum (Wright)

wax myrtle Myrica cerifera

weeping forsythia Forsythia suspensa

Xylosma Xylosma

Yaupon holly (Dwarf)

Yew (Denisiformis)


Ash (Mountain) Sorbus

Ash (Purple)

ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica

baldcypress Taxodium distichum

birch Betula nigra

Cedar (Eastern Red) Thuja

Cypress (Glauca Italian)

Cypress (Gracillis Japanese false)

Cypress (Leiland)


Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii

Elm (Drake)


frasier fir Abies fraseri

Gum tree

Hawthorn (Cockspur white)

Hawthorn (Crimson cloud)

Hawthorn (Enchantress)

Hawthorn (Jack Evans)

Hawthorn (Washington white)

hemlock Tsuga canadensis

Japanese black pine Pinus thunbergiana

loblolly pine Pinus taeda

maple Acer palmatum

maple Acer platanoides

maple Acer rubrum

maple Acer saccharinum

maple Acer saccharum

Oak (Red)

Oak (Southern L)

oak Quercus laurifolia

oak Quercus palustris

oak Quercus phellos

Pine (Longleaf) Pinus palustris

Pine (Mugo-mugho)

Pine (Slash) Pinus elliottii

Pine (Swiss mountain)

pine Casuarina equisetifolia

pine Pinus strobus

pine Pinus virginiana

Scotch pine Pinus sylvestris

sourwood Oxydendrum arboreum

spruce Picea abies

spruce Picea glauca

spruce Picea glauca

spruce Picea pungens

Sweetgum (American)

Sycamore (American)

Sycamore (California)

Non-bearing Fruit & Nut Trees and Non-bearing Vineyards

Almond Prunus glandulosa

Blueberry (Blue jay)

Blueberry (Bluecrop)

Blueberry (Jersey)

Blueberry (North blue)

Blueberry (Northland)

Blueberry Vaccinium

crabapple Malus

Orange (Golden mock)

Orange (Snowflake double white mock)

peach Prunus persica

Quince (Japanese)

rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis