SKU 2464117
Write a ReviewStop weeds from growing for three months, guaranteed. Preen Garden Weed Preventer can be used around over 200 established plants in flower beds and vegetable gardens, in ground covers, and around trees and shrubs.
Select a Size
5.625 lb.
Covers 900 sq. ft.
4 easy steps to free yourself from weedingTM
Start by removing any existing weeds around flowers, vegetables, trees, and shrubs.
Flip the top, tilt the bottle, and shake to distribute evenly. Works even better with mulch.
Use a rake to work the granules into the top layer of soil or mulch or stone-covered bed.
Water the area where applied to activate the protective weed control barrier beneath the soil.
Watch, learn, then try for yourself
Apply Preen Garden Weed Preventer during the growing season around established plants and transplants. Preen should not be used on flower seeds. It can be used after flowering plants have germinated and are 2-3 inches tall. Preen may also be incorporated into the soil when seeding vegetables or applied after mulching beds. By applying Preen as early as possible, you can eliminate the need for hand‑weeding.
Rain does not wash this product out of the soil. To keep beds weed‑free all season long, reapply Preen weed preventer every 9-12 weeks.
First remove any existing weeds that may be growing. Then apply Preen Garden Weed Preventer using the easy-to-use bottle with flip-top applicator-cap. When plants are dry, sprinkle the product granules on top of the soil or mulch at the rate recommended on the label. Use a rake to work the granules into the top layer of soil or mulch. Once activated by watering, it forms a weed control barrier in the top layer of soil, preventing weed seeds from germinating. Disturbance to the soil surface after activation may result in erratic weed control.
For flowers, roses, herbs, ground covers, ornamental grasses, shrubs, trees, and listed vegetables at least 2-3 inches tall, sprinkle Preen Garden Weed Preventer evenly over the entire soil surface at the rate of 1 oz per 10 sq. ft. Be sure to keep granules away from plant roots and foliage. Integrate with a rake and then immediately water. Always wash or brush off stray weed preventer granules from plant foliage to avoid damage or discoloration.
If using standard mulch (and not Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer which includes weed prevention), we recommend applying Preen Garden Weed Preventer after spreading the mulch on your flower and shrub beds for best weed control. Sprinkle Preen on top of the mulch and integrate with a rake. Be sure to keep granules away from plant foliage. Immediately water this product into the mulch. Always wash or brush off stray granules from plant foliage to avoid damage or discoloration.
Preen Guarantee
Preen® Guarantee: To the extent consistent with applicable law, Lebanon Seaboard Corporation guarantees you will be satisfied with the performance of Preen® products when used as directed, or your money back. If not satisfied, describe the nature of your problem, and send with proof of purchase to:
Lebanon Seaboard Corporation
1600 East Cumberland St.
Lebanon, Pa 17042
What is the active ingredient in Preen® Garden Weed Preventer?
1.47% Trifluralin (Treflan).
What are the other ingredients in Preen® Garden Weed Preventer?
Preen® Garden Weed Preventer contains a carrier agent such as corn cob and biodac (recycled newsprint) in addition to the active ingredient.
What weed seeds does Preen Garden Weed Preventer prevent from germinating?
See our list of weeds controlled on the product label.
How long does Preen Garden Weed Preventer prevent weed seeds from germinating?
Up to 12 weeks per application. Reapplication may be necessary sooner during periods of heavy rain or excessive heat and humidity; or if you have porous, sandy type soil.
How long does Preen® Garden Weed Preventer stay in the soil?
Approximately 8 – 12 weeks per application. The rate at which Preen® Garden Weed Preventer biodegrades will depend on temperature, soil type, rain/moisture, sunlight and amount applied.
What weeds does Preen® Garden Weed Preventer kill?
None. Preen ® Garden Weed Preventer helps to prevent germination of seeds from the list of weeds shown on the label for up to 12 weeks per application. It does not kill or inhibit existing weeds in any way.
What are the particles on the soil surface after I watered Preen® Garden Weed Preventer?
Once Preen® Garden Weed Preventer is watered in, the carrier, such as corn cob or biodac will remain on the surface and biodegrade over time.
How does Preen® Garden Weed Preventer work?
Preen® Garden Weed Preventer works to create a barrier that inhibits weed seed growth. The barrier can last up to 12 weeks.
Why is the Preen® Garden Weed Preventer container not completely full?
Our product container is packaged/sold by weight, not by volume. If you weigh the container you will find that the weight is as stated or slightly higher.
Do you have a guarantee on your products?
Preen® Guarantee: To the extent consistent with applicable law, Lebanon Seaboard Corporation guarantees you will be satisfied with the performance of Preen® products when used as directed, or your money back. If not satisfied, describe the nature of your problem, and send with proof of purchase to:
Lebanon Seaboard Corporation
1600 East Cumberland St.
Lebanon, PA 17042
annual bluegrass
fall panicum
Florida pusley
hare barley
large crabgrass
nettleleaf goosefoot
prostrate knotweed
rattail fescue
redroot pigweed
Russian thistle
southwestern cupgrass
stinging nettle
Texas panicum
wild oat
woolly cupgrass
yellow foxtail
Aaronsbeard Hypericum calycinum
African Lily Agapanthus africanus
alyssum Lobularia maritima
angel wing jasmine Jasminum nitidum
asparagus fern Asparagus densiflorus
baby's breath Gypsophila paniculata
Beard tongue Penstemon
Bee balm
bellflower Campanula
Big Blue lily turf Liriope muscari
blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta
Bleeding heart
Cape weed Arctotheca calendula
Carex (variegated)
carnation Dianthus caryophyllus
Carpet bugle
Ceanothus Ceanothus
Centaurea (Velvet)
Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum
coneflower Echinacea purpurea
crown vetch Coronilla varia
Cypress (Squarrosa-moss) Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Squarrosa'
Daisy (African) Arctotis stoechadifolia
Daisy (Painted)
Daisy (Trailing African)
daisy Leucanthemum X superbum
day lily Hemerocallis
dusty miller Centaurea cineraria
Fern (Japanese Painted)
Fern (Tassel)
Fescue (blue)
Fescue (Floss flower)
forget me not Myosotis
fountain grass Pennisetum setaceum
Four o'clock Mirabilis
foxglove Digitalis
garden phlox Phlox
gayfeather Liatris
gazania Gazania
germander Teucrium
glads Gladiolus
Golden glow
Grass (beach)
Grass (Dwarf Mondo)
Grass (Eulalia)
Grass (Mondo)
Grass (Ribbon)
Grass (Zoysia)
Hakonechloa (Golden)
hardy geranium Geranium
hollyhock Alcea rosea
Hosta (Albo-marginata)
hyacinth Hyacinthus
Ice plant (Largeleaf)
Ice plant (Trailing)
Ice plant (White)
Impatiens Impatiens
Iris (Bulbous)
Ivy (California)
Ivy (Needlepoint)
ivy Hedera helix
Ivy Hedera helix ssp. canariensis
Ixora Ixora
jonquil Narcissus
Lamb's ears
lantana Lantana
lavender Lavandula angustifolia
Lily turf (Creeping) Liriope spicatum
Lily turf (Green)
Lily turf (Lilac beauty) Liriope muscari 'Lilac Beauty'
Lily turf (Majestic) Liriope muscari 'Majestic'
Lily turf (Silvery sunproof) Liriope muscari 'Silvery Sunproof'
Lily turf (Variegated liriope)
Lily turf (White)
lobelia Lobelia
lupine Lupinus
marigold Dimorphotheca
marigold Tagetes
Mascarene grass Zoysia tenuifolia
Morning glory Ipomoea
Myoporum Myoporum
nasturtium Tropaeolum
pampas grass Cortaderia selloana
periwinkle Vinca
Peter Pan (Dwarf)
Petunia Petunia
Pincushion flower Chaenactis fremontii
poppy Eschscholzia californica
Portulaca Portulaca
rockrose Cistus
rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis
Rudbeckia Rudbeckia
Rupturewort Herniaria
Russian sage Perovskia atriplicifolia
salvia Salvia
Silver mound
snow in summer Cerastium tomentosum
speedwell Veronica
St. John's wort
statice Limonium leptostachyum
Stawberry (Beach) Fragaria chiloensis
stoke's aster Stokesia laevis
stonecrop Sedum
sun flower Helianthus
sundrop Oenothera macrocarpa
sweet alyssum Alyssum
sweet pea Lathyrus odoratus
Sweet sultan
sweet william Dianthus barbatus
tulip Tulipa
verbena Verbena
Wire plant
Wirevine (Creeping)
Yarrow Achillea millefolium
zinnia Zinnia
Abelia (Edward Goucher) Abelia x grandiflora 'Edward Goucher'
Abelia Glossy
Acacia (Abyssinica) Acacia abyssinica
Acacia (Prostrate) Acacia redolens
Acacia (Shoestring) Acacia stenophylla
Andromeda (Japanese)
Arborvitae (American)
Arborvitae (Aureus nana-dwarf golden)
Arborvitae (Emerald)
Arborvitae (Globosa-globe)
Arborvitae (Little giant-dwarf)
Arborvitae (Minima glauca-dwarf)
Arborvitae (Nigra-dark American) Thuja occidentalis
Arborvitae (Pyramidalis-pyramid) Thuja occidentalis 'Pyramidalis'
Arborvitae (Rheingold) Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold'
Arborvitae (Techny) Thuja occidentalis 'Techny'
azalea Rhododendron
Bamboo (Compacta-dwarf)
Bamboo (Harbour dwarf-heavenly)
Bamboo (Nana purpurea-heavenly)
Bamboo (Nana-compacta-heavenly)
Bamboo (Woods dwarf heavenly)
Barberry (Atropurea-redleaf Japanese) Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea'
Barberry (Aurea-golden Japanese) Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea'
Barberry (Crimson pygmy)
Barberry (Mento)
Barberry (Rose glow) Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Rose Glow'
barberry Berberis thunbergii
barberry Mahonia repens
Berberis x gladwynensis 'William Penn'
bottlebrush Callistemon pallidus
Bougainvillea (Barbara Karst) Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst'
Bougainvillea (California Gold) Bougainvillea 'California Gold'
Bougainvillea (Pink pixie) Bougainvillea 'Pink Pixie'
Bougainvillea (Scarlett O'Hara) Bougainvillea 'Scarlett O'Hara'
Bougainvillea (Temple fire) Bougainvillea 'Temple Fire'
Bougainvillea (Texas dawn) Bougainvillea 'Texas Dawn'
Boxwood (Common) Buxus sempervirens
Boxwood (Harlands) Buxus harlandii
Boxwood (Japanese) Buxus microphylla japonica
Boxwood (Korean) Buxus microphylla koreana
boxwood Buxus microphylla
Broom (Hollandia-warminster)
Broom (Lena-Scotch) Cytisus scoparius 'Lena'
Camellia (Japanese)
camellia Camellia sasanqua
Cassia (Feathery)
century plant Agave americana
Cherry (Dwarf pink flowering almond)
Cleyera (Japanese)
coton easter Cotoneaster horizontalis
Cotoneaster (Himalayan)
Cotoneaster (Praecox-early)
Cotoneaster (Pyrenees)
Cotoneaster (Zabel)
cotoneaster Cotoneaster dammeri
cotton easter Cotoneaster
coyote bush Baccharis vanessae
Coyotebush (Kosteri)
Coyotebush (Nana-dwarf Japanese)
Coyotebush (Torulosa)
cranberry cotoneaster Cotoneaster apiculatus
crepe myrtle Lagerstroemia indica
Cypress (Filifera-thread)
Daphne (Fragrant)
Dogwood (Baileyi red osier)
Dogwood (Flaviramea-yellowtwig)
Dogwood (Sibirica-Siberian) Cornus alba 'Sibirica'
dogwood Cornus florida
elaeagnus Elaeagnus
Euonymus (Canadale)
Euonymus (Emerald'n gold) Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald & Gold'
Euonymus (Silver king)
Euonymus (Spreading)
Euonymus (Sunspot) Euonymus fortunei 'Sunspot'
Euonymus (Variegated Evergreen)
Euonymus (Wintercreeper)
euonymus Euonymus alata
euphorbia Euphorbia marginata
firethorn Pyracantha
forsythia Forsythia
Gardenia (August beauty)
Gardenia (Mystery)
Gardenia (Radican)
gardenia Gardenia
Hawthorn (India)
Heather (Cornish)
Heather (Mediterranean pink)
Heather (Purple bell)
Heather (Spring torch scotch)
Hibiscus (Ross Estey) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Ross Estey'
hibiscus Hibiscus
hollies Ilex
honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens
honeysuckle Tecoma capensis
hopseed bush Dodonaea viscosa
Jasmine (Asian)
jessamine Gelsemium sempervirens
juniper Juniperus
Laurel (American Cherry)
laurel cherry Prunus caroliniana
laurel Kalmia latifolia
Leaf (Copper)
Leaf (Lemon)
Leucothoe (Coast)
Leucothoe (Drooping)
Lilac (Wild)
lilac Syringa vulgaris
lilac Syringa X chinensis
lily of the valley Convallaria majalis
Lily-of-the-Valley (Forest flame)
Lily-of-the-Valley (Mountain fire)
Lily-of-the-Valley (Snowdrift)
Lily-of-the-Valley (Temple bells)
Lily-of-the-Valley (Valley rose)
Lily-of-the-Valley (Vally valentine)
Mahonia (Leather leaf)
maple (Amur) Acer ginnala
Maple (Coral bark Japanese)
Maple (Dwarf Japanese)
Maple (Japanese)
mock orange Philadelphus
nandina Nandina domestica
Oleander (Hardy red)
Oleander (Ruby lace)
Osmanthus (Fortunes)
Palm (Chinese fountain)
Palm (Christmas)
palm (Pygmy date) Phoenix roebelenii
palm (Sago) Cycas revoluta
palm Areca
photinia Photinia x fraseri
Pine (Mugo-mugho)
Pineapple guava
Pittosporum (Green)
Pittosporum (Japanese)
Pittsosporum (Wheeler's dwarf)
Plumbago (Dwarf)
potentilla Potentilla
Red cedar (Eastern)
Rhaphiolepis (Charisma-Monruce)
Rhaphiolepis (Enchantress-Moness)
Rhaphiolepis (Roundleaf)
Rhaphiolepis (Springtime-Monme)
rhododendron Rhododendron
Rose (Ramanas)
Rose of Sharon (Heart)
Rose of Sharon (Red bird)
Rose of Sharon (Woodbridge) Hibiscus syriacus 'Woodbridge'
rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus
rugosa Rosa
sakaki Cleyera japonica
Skimmia (Japanese) Skimmia japonica
Skimmia (Reeve's) Skimmia reevesiana
Smoke Tree (Coral beauty)
Smoke Tree (Royal purple) Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple'
smoke tree Cotinus
Spiraea (Anthony Waterer)
Spiraea (Bridal wreath) Spiraea prunifolia
Spiraea (Dolchia)
Spiraea (False)
Spiraea (Japanese alpine)
Spiraea (Shirobana)
Spiraea (Vanhoutte)
Spurge (Japanese) Pachysandra terminalis
Sumac (African)
Sweetgum (American)
Sweetspire (Henry Garnet holly leaf)
viburnum Viburnum
wax myrtle Myrica cerifera
weeping bottlebrush Callistemon viminalis
weigela Weigela
Woadwaxen Genista tinctoria
Woodbine (Flowering)
Woodbine (Serotina)
Xylosma Xylosma
Yew (Anglojap)
Yew (Plum)
Yew (Upright Japanese)
yucca Yucca
American sycamore Platanus occidentalis
ash (Shamel) Fraxinus uhdei
ash (White) Fraxinus americana
baldcypress Taxodium distichum
birch (European white) Betula pendula
birch (Paper) Betula papyrifera
birch (River) Betula nigra
Blackgum Nyssa sylvatica
Bottle tree
carrotwood Cupaniopsis anacardioides
Cherry (Yoshino flowering)
Coolibah tree
cottonwood Populus deltoides
cypress (Arizona) Cupressus arizonica
Cypress (Filicoides-fernspray) Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides'
Cypress (Gracilis-slender Hinoki) Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gracilis'
Cypress (Swara false)
Dogwood (Cloud nine) Cornus florida 'Cloud Nine'
Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii
eastern cedar Juniperus virginiana
eastern white pine Pinus strobus
elm Ulmus parvifolia
Eucalyptus (Mealy)
eucalyptus (Red ironbark) Eucalyptus sideroxylon
Eucalyptus (Redgum)
Eucalyptus (Silver dollar) Eucalyptus cinerea
Ficus (Mini)
Fir (Balsam)
fir (White) Abies concolor
florida anise-tree Illicium floridanum
ginkgo Ginkgo biloba
hawthorn Crataegus viridis
hemlock (Eastern) Tsuga canadensis
Honey locust (Shademaster) Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 'Shademaster'
Honey locust Gleditsia triacanthos
Korean dogwood Cornus kousa
larch Larix kaempferi
loblolly pine Pinus taeda
locust (Black) Robinia pseudoacacia
magnolia Magnolia
Maple (Albus-flowering)
Maple (Flame)
Maple (Luteus-flowering) Abutilon 'Luteus'
maple (Norway) Acer platanoides
Maple (Red Sunset)
maple (Red) Acer rubrum
Maple (Roseus-flowering) Abutilon 'Roseus'
maple (Silver) Acer saccharinum
maple (Sugar) Acer saccharum
Maple (Tangerine-flowering) Abutilon hybridum 'Tangerine'
Maple (Vesuvius red-flowering) Abutilon hybridum 'Vesuvius Red'
Mesquite (Chilean) Prosopis chilensis
oak (Bear) Quercus ilicifolia
oak (Pin) Quercus palustris
Oak (Red) Quercus rubra
oak (Scarlet) Quercus coccinea
oak (Southern live) Quercus virginiana
oak (Willow) Quercus phellos
oak Quercus phellos
Palm (Mexican fan) Washingtonia robusta
palm (Parlor) Chamaedorea elegans
palm (Queen) Syagrus romanzoffiana
pine (Austrian) Pinus nigra
Pine (Bosnian)
pine (bristlecone) Pinus aristata
pine (Canary Island) Pinus canariensis
Pine (Columnar Scotch) Pinus sylvestris 'Fastigiata'
Pine (Eldarica)
Pine (Japanese black) Pinus thunbergiana
pine (Loblolly Pinus radiata
pine (Lodgepole) Pinus contorta var. contorta
Pine (Pumillo-shrubby swiss mountain)
pine (Red) Pinus resinosa
pine (Shore) Pinus contorta
planetree Platanus acerifolia
redbud Cercis canadensis
Russian olive Elaeagnus angustifolia
Scotch pine Pinus sylvestris
sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum
sourwood Oxydendrum arboreum
Spruce (Colorado) Picea pungens
Spruce (Dwarf Alberta) Picea glauca 'Conica'
Spruce (Dwarf globe blue)
Spruce (Glauca-Colorado blue) Picea pungens 'Glauca'
Spruce (Hoopsii-Hoop's blue) Picea pungens 'Hoopsii'
Spruce (Koster-Koster blue) Picea pungens 'Koster'
spruce (Norway) Picea abies
Spruce (Pendula-weeping Norway) Picea abies 'Pendula'
Spruce (Repens-spreading Norway) Picea abies 'Repens'
spruce (White) Picea glauca
sycamore Platanus racemosa
Tab (Yellow)
toyon Heteromeles arbutifolia
tuliptree Liriodendron tulipifera
willow Salix
Almond Prunus dulcis
apricot Prunus armeniaca
Blueberry Vaccinium
cherry Prunus avium
cherry Prunus cerasus
crabapple Malus
Grape (American)
Grape (European)
grapefruit Citrus paradisi
kiwi Actinidia chinensis
lemon Citrus limon
loganberry Rubus loganobaccus
macadamia Macadamia integrifolia
nectarine Prunus persica var. nucipersica
Olive (Black)
olive Olea europaea
orange Citrus sinensis
peach Prunus persica
pear Pyrus
pecan Carya illinoinensis
pistachio Pistacia vera
plum Prunus
pomegranate Punica granatum
raspberry Rubus
raspberry Rubus glaucus
tangelo Citrus X tangelo
tangerine Citrus reticulata
walnut Juglans nigra
walnut Juglans regia
White mulberry Morus alba
Asparagus Asparagus officinalis
Broccoli Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Brussels sprouts Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera
Cabbage Brassica oleracea
Cantalope Cucumis melo
Celery Apium
Eggplant Solanum melongena
Lima beans
Mustard greens
Okra Abelmoschus esculentus
Peas (Black-eyed)
Peas (Field)
Peas (Green)
Peppers Piperaceae
radish Raphanus sativus
Snap beans
Southern peas (Cow peas)
Tomatoes Lycopersicon
Turnip greens
Watermelon Citrullus lanatus