Home Gardens Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer

Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer

SKU 2464197

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Apply mulch and block weeds for up to six months – guaranteed! Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer is the only landscape mulch that comes with added Preen weed preventers already mixed in.

Select a Size

Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer Chestnut Brown


30 lb.

Covers 12 sq. ft.

Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer Russet Red


30 lb.

Covers 12 sq. ft.

Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer Midnight Black


30 lb.

Covers 12 sq. ft.

Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer Chestnut Brown


30 lb.

Covers 12 sq. ft.

  • The only landscape mulch that comes with added Preen weed preventers already mixed in
  • Prevents over 100 kinds of common weeds*
  • Available in three non-fade colors: Russet Red, Chestnut Brown, and Midnight Black – all guaranteed to stay colorfast all year
  • Stops weeds before they start by preventing weed seeds from germinating
  • Added herbicide to help stop and protect against weed growth
  • Most mulches suppress weeds at a minimum application of 3 inches deep, only Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer blocks weeds for up to 6 months when applied 2 inches deep
  • Use fewer bags to cover more space than other brands and get much better weed control

*Click to see a complete list of weeds controlled.

3 easy steps to free yourself from weeding™


Remove existing weeds and their roots in the area where you want to apply Preen.


Spread to a depth of two inches around plants planted in soil.


Avoid planting directly in the mulch once applied.

Watch, learn, then try for yourself

Bulbs and Perennials: Spread Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer over the area to a depth of two inches. Do not plant flowers directly into garden mulch. If additional planting is desired after Preen Mulch has been applied, first remove the mulch from the selected area. Avoid getting treated garden mulch into the planting hole. Once the plant is firmly embedded in the soil, replace the mulch around the plant.

Annuals: After plants have been set in the soil bed, spread Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer over the area to a depth of two inches. Make no more than one application per site per year.

Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer contains pre-emergent herbicides and for best results, remove all weeds in the beds prior to applying the garden mulch. You may apply anytime in the spring and fall after renovating beds, but for best results, apply Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer after flowers and ornamentals have been planted into the soil. Do not apply over flower seeds.

For ornamental bulbs, apply 2-4 weeks after planting, or before or after flowering. Do not apply to bulbs when flowering.

Although most mulches temporarily suppress weeds when applied at a minimum depth of 3 inches, only Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer, with its weed barrier technology, blocks weeds for up to 6 months when applied 2 inches deep.

When applied according to label directions, one 2 cu. ft. bag of Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer covers 12 sq. ft. at 2 inches deep. Other brands recommend 2 cu. ft. bags be applied at 3 inches deep, which will cover 8 sq. ft. With Preen Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer, you'll use fewer bags to cover more space than other brands and get much better weed control.

What is the active ingredient in Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer?

0.0032% Trifluralin (Treflan) and 0.0008% Isoxaben (Gallery); excludes New York. ( In New York only, 0.0032% Trifluralin (Treflan)).

What are the other ingredients in Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer?

They are premium natural forest hardwoods and a dye colorant. Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer contains no recycled wood materials.

Is Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer single, double, or triple shredded?

Double shredded.

How long does Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer prevent its label listed weed seeds from germinating and/or last in the soil?

Up to 6 months per application, excluding New York. In New York only, up to 4 months per application. The rate at which Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer biodegrades will depend on temperature, soil type, rain/moisture, sunlight and amount applied.

What weeds does Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer kill?

None; Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer helps to prevent its respective label listed weed seeds from germinating. It does not do a thing to existing weeds, their underground root/runner system, etc.

How does Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer work?

Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer creates a barrier that inhibits weed seed growth. The barrier lasts up to 4 weeks in New York, or up to 6 weeks in states other than New York.

Does Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer Cocoa Brown contain cocoa, cocoa shells, chocolate, or theobromine?

No; “cocoa brown” simply describes the color of the mulch.

What is the bag weight of Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer?

The approximate bag weight is 30 pounds. Preen® Mulch with Extended Control Weed Preventer is packaged/sold by volume, not by weight. Some settling may occur during shipment. Net content is 2 cubic feet with a coverage of 12 square feet, as validated by the Mulch and Soil Council.

Do you have a guarantee on your products?

Preen® Guarantee: To the extent consistent with applicable law, Lebanon Seaboard Corporation guarantees you will be satisfied with the performance of Preen® products when used as directed, or your money back. If not satisfied, describe the nature of your problem, and send with proof of purchase to:

Lebanon Seaboard Corporation
1600 East Cumberland St.
Lebanon, PA 17042"

Bulbs, Flowers, Ground Covers & Ornamental Grasses

Agapanthus Agapanthus africanus

amaryllis Amaryllis

angel wing jasmine Jasminum nitidum

Angel's hair

annual geranium Pelargonium hortorum

asparagus fern Asparagus densiflorus

aster Callistephus chinensis

aster Symphyotrichum novae-angliae

aster Symphyotrichum novi-belgii

Astilbe (Deutschland)

Banana (Red Abyssinian)

Bee balm

Begonia (Heartleaf)

Begonia (White ambassador)

Bidens (Peter's gold)

Big Blue lily turf Liriope muscari

blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta

Blanket flower

Busy lizzie

Cape weed Arctotheca calendula

Carex (variegated)

Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum

Clematis (blue bells)

Coral bells

coreopsis (Threadleaf)


Creeper (Virginia)

Dahlia (Dwarf Wendy Pink)

Daisy (Angelita)

Daisy (Freeway)

Daisy (Gold Coin)

Daisy (paris)

Daisy (Swan River New Amethyst)

day lily Hemerocallis


Dianthus (Crimson treasure cheddar pink)

dusty miller Centaurea cineraria

Eurypos (Dwarf)

felicia Felicia amelloides

Fern (Japanese Painted)

Fern (Tassel)

Fescue (blue)

fountain grass Pennisetum setaceum

Fringe flower

Fuschia (Santa Claus)

Garlic (society)

gayfeather Liatris

gazania Gazania

Geranium (ivy)

glads Gladiolus

Grass (beach)

Grass (Dwarf Mondo)

Grass (Dwarf Umbrella)

Grass (Eulalia)

Grass (Mondo)

Grass (Ribbon)


Hakonechloa (Golden)

hardy geranium Geranium

Heuchera (Palace purple)

honeysuckle Lonicera japonica

Horsetail (dwarf)

Hosta (Albo-marginata)

hyacinth Hyacinthus

Ice plant (Largeleaf)

Ice plant (Trailing)

Ice plant (White)

Iris (African)

Iris (Blue Siberian)

Iris (Bulbous)

Iris (Yellow dwarf bearded)

ivy Hedera helix

Ivy Hedera helix ssp. canariensis

Ixora Ixora

jonquil Narcissus

jonquil Narcissus

lantana Lantana

Lavender (English spike)

lavender Lavandula angustifolia

Licorice plant (White)

Lily (Fortnight)

Lily (Francee plantain)

Lily (Kafir)

Lily (Patriot plantain)

Lily (Peruvian)

Lily turf (Creeping) Liriope spicatum

Lily turf (Green)

Lily turf (Lilac beauty) Liriope muscari 'Lilac Beauty'

Lily turf (Majestic) Liriope muscari 'Majestic'

Lily turf (Monroe white)

Lily turf (Silvery sunproof) Liriope muscari 'Silvery Sunproof'

Lily turf (Variegated liriope)

Lily turf (White)

Lily-of-the-Nile (Queen Anne)

Lisianthus (Pink)

lobelia Lobelia

Loosestrife (dotted)

Mallow (Cape)

Marigold (Little Hero)

Marlberry (Chirimen)

Mexican hat

Mexican heather Cuphea hyssopifolia

pampas grass Cortaderia selloana

Penstemon (apple blossom)

Penstemon (heartwig)

Periwinkle (Dwarf)

Periwinkle (Madagascar) Catharanthus roseus

Petunia Petunia

Primrose (Siskiyou evening)

red fountain grass Pennisetum setaceum

rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis

Ruella (Dwarf Katie)

Russian sage Perovskia atriplicifolia

Sage (Graham's)

salvia Salvia leucantha


snow in summer Cerastium tomentosum

St. John's wort

Star cluster

stock Matthiola

Stonecrop (Autumn Joy)

Stonecrop (Vera Jameson)

Strawberry (Gilt edge)

tulip Tulipa

Verbena (St Paul)

vinca vine Vinca major

wall flower Erysimum

Yarrow Achillea millefolium

Yucca (red)

yucca Yucca

Zinnia (Dwarf)


Abelia (Edward Goucher) Abelia x grandiflora 'Edward Goucher'

abelia Abelia grandiflora

Acacia (Abyssinica) Acacia abyssinica

Acacia (Prostrate) Acacia redolens

Acacia (Shoestring) Acacia stenophylla

Almond (Dwarf pink flowering)

Aptenia (Red apple)

Aralia (Japanese)

Arborvitae (Aureus nana-dwarf golden)

Arborvitae (Emerald)

Arborvitae (Globosa-globe)

Arborvitae (Little giant-dwarf)

Arborvitae (Minima glauca-dwarf)

azalea Rhododendron

Azaleas (Blue Danube) Rhododendron 'Blue Danube'

Azaleas (Carror)

Azaleas (Corral bells) Rhododendron kurume 'Coral Bells'

Azaleas (Fashion) Rhododendron 'Fashion'

Azaleas (Flame) Rhododendron calendulaceum

Azaleas (Formosa)

Azaleas (Gerard Christina)

Azaleas (Gerard Roberta)

Azaleas (Golden flare exbury)

Azaleas (Golden flare)

Azaleas (Gumbo pink) Rhododendron 'Gumpo Pink'

Azaleas (Helmut vogel)

Azaleas (Hershey red) Rhododendron 'Hershey's Red'

Azaleas (Higasa)

Azaleas (Hino crimson) Rhododendron 'Hino-crimson'

Azaleas (Hino pink) Rhododendron 'Hino Pink'

Azaleas (Hot shot)

Azaleas (Hume)

Azaleas (Inga)

Azaleas (Irene koster) Rhododendron 'Irene Koster'

Azaleas (Klondike)

Azaleas (Mildred)

Azaleas (President Clay)

Azaleas (Reijn)

Azaleas (Snow)

Azaleas (Tradition) Rhododendron kurume 'Tradition'

Azaleas (Waucabusa)

Bamboo (compacta-dwarf heavenly)

Bamboo (Harbour dwarf-heavenly)

Bamboo (Nana-compacta-heavenly)

Bamboo (Nana-purpurea-heavenly)

Bamboo (Woods dwarf heavenly)

Barberry (Atropurea-redleaf Japanese) Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea'

Barberry (Aurea-golden Japanese) Berberis thunbergii 'Aurea'

Barberry (Cherry bomb)

Barberry (Crimson pygmy)

Barberry (Mento)

Barberry (Rose glow) Berberis thunbergii var. atropurpurea 'Rose Glow'

Barberry (William Penn) Berberis � gladwynensis 'William Penn'

barberry Berberis

barberry Mahonia repens

Bluebeard (Dark knight)

bottlebrush Callistemon pallidus

Bougainvillea (Barbara Karst) Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst'

Bougainvillea (California Gold) Bougainvillea 'California Gold'

Bougainvillea (Pink pixie) Bougainvillea 'Pink Pixie'

Bougainvillea (Scarlett O'Hara) Bougainvillea 'Scarlett O'Hara'

Bougainvillea (Temple fire) Bougainvillea 'Temple Fire'

Bougainvillea (Texas dawn) Bougainvillea 'Texas Dawn'

bougainvillea Bougainvillea

Boxwood (Common) Buxus sempervirens

Boxwood (Green velvet)

Boxwood (Japanese) Buxus microphylla japonica

Boxwood (Korean) Buxus microphylla koreana

Broom (Hollandia-Scotch) Cytisus scoparius 'Hollandia'

Broom (Lena-Scotch) Cytisus scoparius 'Lena'

Brush cherry (Dwarf)

camellia Camellia

Cassia (Feathery)

catawba rhododendron Rhododendron catawbiense

century plant Agave americana

Cinquefoil (Gold drop)

Cinquefoil (Goldfinger)

Cinquefoil (Red ace)

Cinquefoil (Sunset)

Cinquefoil (Tangerine)

Cleyera (Japanese)

coton easter Cotoneaster horizontalis

Cotoneaster (Himalayan)

Cotoneaster (Praecox-early)

Cotoneaster (Pyrenees)

cotoneaster Cotoneaster dammeri

cotton easter Cotoneaster

coyote bush Baccharis vanessae

Cranberry bush

cranberry cotoneaster Cotoneaster apiculatus

crepe myrtle Lagerstroemia indica

Cypress (Filifera-thread)

Cypress (Kosteri)

Cypress (Nana-dwarf Hinoki)

Cypress (Squarrosa minima)

Cypress (Torulosa)

Daphne (Fragrant)


Deutzia (Nakiana-dwarf)

Dogwood (Baileyi)

Dogwood (Flaviramea)

Dogwood (Sibirica-Siberian) Cornus alba 'Sibirica'

dogwood Cornus florida

Euonymus (Canadale gold)

Euonymus (Challipo)

Euonymus (Emerald'n gold) Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald & Gold'

Euonymus (Gold Spot)

Euonymus (Silver king)

Euonymus (Spreading)

Euonymus (Sunspot) Euonymus fortunei 'Sunspot'

Euonymus (Variegated Evergreen)

Forsythia (Border)

Forsythia (Spring Glory)

forsythia Forsythia

Gardenia (August beauty)

Gardenia (Mystery)

Gardenia (Radican)

gardenia Gardenia

Gracilis (Slender)

Heather (Cornish)

Heather (Mediterranean pink)

Heather (Mexican)

Heather (Purple bell)

Heather (Spring torch scotch)

Hibiscus (Ross Estey) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Ross Estey'

hibiscus Hibiscus

hollies Ilex

Holly (Balkans)

Holly (Blue boy)

Holly (Blue girl)

Holly (Burford)

Holly (China boy)

Holly (China girl)

Holly (Compacta-compact inkberry)

Holly (Compacta-dwarf Japanese)

Holly (Convexa)

Holly (Dwarf Burford)

Holly (Dwarf Chinese)

Holly (Ebony magic)

Holly (Gold coast)

Holly (Green luster)

Holly (Helleri-heller's Japanese)

Holly (Hetzii's Japanese)

Holly (Nana-dwarf yaupon)

Holly (Needle point)

Holly (Nordica-inkberry)

Holly (Pendula-weeping yaupon)

Holly (San Jose)

Holly (Savannah)

Holly (Stokesii Japanese)

Holly (Yaupon)


Honeysuckle (Winter)

honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens

honeysuckle Tecoma capensis

hopseed bush Dodonaea viscosa

Jasmine (Asian)

jessamine Gelsemium sempervirens

Juniper (Andora)

Juniper (Bar harbor)

Juniper (Blue star)

Juniper (blue)

Juniper (Broadmoor)

Juniper (Dwarf Andora)

Juniper (Emerald green)

Juniper (Emerald sea shore)

Juniper (Foemina-hicks)

Juniper (Hollywood)

Juniper (Huntington)

Juniper (Media-old gold juniper)

Juniper (Nana-dwarf blue Japanese garden)

Juniper (Parsonii)

Juniper (Pfitzer)

Juniper (Pfitzeriana glauca-blue)

Juniper (Plumosa-andora)

Juniper (Prostrata)

Juniper (Savin)

Juniper (Seagreen)

Juniper (Tamariscifolia-tam)

Juniper (Torulosa-hollywood)

Juniper (Wiltonii-blue carpet)

juniper Juniperus

juniper Juniperus conferta

juniper Juniperus horizontalis

laurel (Mountain) Kalmia latifolia

Leaf (Copper)

Leaf (Lemon)

Leucothoe (Coast)

Leucothoe (Drooping)

Lilac (Wild)

lilac Syringa vulgaris

lilac Syringa X chinensis

lily of the valley Convallaria majalis

Lily-of-the-Valley (Forest flame)

Lily-of-the-Valley (Mountain fire)

Lily-of-the-Valley (Snowdrift)

Lily-of-the-Valley (Temple Bells)

Lily-of-the-Valley (Valley Rose)

Lily-of-the-Valley (Valley Valentine)

Mahonia (Dwarf Oregon grape)

Mahonia (Leather leaf)

Morningglory (Bush) Convolvulus cneorum

nandina Nandina domestica

Nightshade (Paraguay)

Oleander (Hardy red)

Oleander (Ruby lace)

Osmanthus (Fortunes)

photinia Photinia � fraseri

Pink Breath of Heaven

Pittosporum (Green)

Pittsosporum (Wheeler's dwarf)


Plumbago (Dwarf)

potentilla Potentilla

Privet (Golden)

Privet (Howardi)

Privet (Lodense)

Privet (Vicary golden)

Privet (Wax leaf)

Privet (Wax)

Privet (Yellow tip)

privet Ligustrum

privet Ligustrum japonicum

privet Ligustrum lucidum

privet Ligustrum ovalifolium

Pyracantha (Lalandei monrovia)

Pyracantha (Monon)

Pyrcantha (Red Elf hybrid)

Pyrcantha (Rutgers hybrid)

Pyrcantha (Santa Cruz)

Pyrcantha (Victory)

Rhaphiolepis (Charisma-Monruce)

Rhaphiolepis (Enchantress-Moness)

Rhaphiolepis (India hawthorn)

Rhaphiolepis (Roundleaf)

Rhaphiolepis (Springtime-Monme)

Rhododendron (America) Rhododendron catawbiense 'America'

Rhododendron (Butterfly) Rhododendron 'Butterfly'

Rhododendron (Chioniodes) Rhododendron catawbiense 'Chionoides'

Rhododendron (Cunningham White)

Rhododendron (Daphinoides) Rhododendron catawbiense 'Daphinoides'

Rhododendron (Dwarf Scarlett Wonder)

Rhododendron (Elizabeth)

Rhododendron (English Roseum)

Rhododendron (Gomer Waterer) Rhododendron catawbiense 'Gomer Waterer'

Rhododendron (Jean Marie) Rhododendron catawbiense 'Jean Marie'

Rhododendron (Lord Roberts) Rhododendron catawbiense 'Lord Roberts'

Rhododendron (Nova Zembla)

Rhododendron (PJM)

Rhododendron (Purple Gem)

Rhododendron (Ramapo) Rhododendron 'Ramapo'

Rhododendron (Rhodie Max)

Rhododendron (Rocket)

Rhododendron (Scintillation)

Rhododendron (Tribly)

Rhododendron (Unique)

Rhododendron (Vulcan) Rhododendron catawbiense 'Vulcan'

rhododendron Rhododendron

Rose (Ramanas)

Rose of Sharon (Aphrodite)

Rose of Sharon (Helene)

Rose of Sharon (Red bird)

Rose of Sharon (Red Heart)

Rose of Sharon (Woodbridge) Hibiscus syriacus 'Woodbridge'

rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus

Silverberry (Fruitland)

Skimmia (Japanese) Skimmia japonica

Skimmia (Reeve's) Skimmia reevesiana

Smoke Tree (Coral beauty)

Smoke Tree (Eichholz)

Smoke Tree (Royal purple) Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple'

Spiraea (Anthony Waterer)

Spiraea (Bridal wreath) Spiraea prunifolia

Spiraea (Dolchia)

Spiraea (False)

Spiraea (First snow)

Spiraea (Japanese alpine)

Spiraea (Shirobana)

spring cinquefoil Potentilla neumanniana

Spurge (Japanese) Pachysandra terminalis

Sumac (African)


sweet pea Lathyrus odoratus

Sweetgum (American)

Sweetspire (Henry Garnet holly leaf)

Teatree (broom) Leptospermum scoparium

Teatree (New Zealand)

Ternstroemia (Japanese)

Viburnum (Common snowball)

Viburnum (David)

Viburnum (Doublefile)

Viburnum (Koreanspice)

Viburnum (Pink dawn)

Viburnum (Spring Bouquet)

Viburnum (Tea)

wax myrtle Myrica cerifera

wayfaring tree Viburnum lantana

weeping bottlebrush Callistemon viminalis

Weigela (Bristol ruby)

Weigela (Java red)

Weigela (Minuet)

Wintercreeper (Bigleaf)

Woadwaxen Genista tinctoria

Woodbine (Flowering)

Woodbine (Serotina)

Xylosma Xylosma

Yew (Plum)

yew Taxus cuspidata



American sycamore Platanus occidentalis

Arborvitae (Nigra-dark American) Thuja occidentalis

Arborvitae (Pyramidalis-pyramid) Thuja occidentalis 'Pyramidalis'

Arborvitae (Rheingold) Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold'

Arborvitae (Techny) Thuja occidentalis 'Techny'

Arborvitae (Woodwardii)

ash Fraxinus uhdei

birch Betula nigra

birch Betula papyrifera

Bottle tree

carrotwood Cupaniopsis anacardioides

Cherry (Yoshino flowering)

Coolibah tree

cottonwood Populus deltoides

Cryptomeria (Japanese)

Cypress (Emerald island leyland)

Cypress (Filicoides-fernspray) Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides'

Cypress (Gracilis-slender Hinoki) Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gracilis'

Cypress (Swara false)

cypress Cupressus arizonica

cypress Cupressus sempervirens


Dogwood (Cloud nine) Cornus florida 'Cloud Nine'

eastern cedar Juniperus virginiana

elm Ulmus parvifolia

Eucalyptus (Mealy)

Eucalyptus (Redgum)

Eucalyptus (Silver dollar) Eucalyptus cinerea

Eucalyptus Eucalyptus

eucalyptus Eucalyptus sideroxylon


Ficus (Mini)

Fir (Balsam)

fir Abies concolor

florida anise-tree Illicium floridanum

ginkgo Ginkgo biloba

hawthorn Crataegus viridis

hemlock Tsuga canadensis

Honey locust Gleditsia triacanthos

Japanese black pine Pinus thunbergiana

Locust (Shademaster honey)


Maple (Albus-flowering)

Maple (Coral bark Japanese)

Maple (Dwarf Japanese)

Maple (Flame)

Maple (Luteus-flowering) Abutilon 'Luteus'

Maple (Red Sunset)

Maple (Roseus-flowering) Abutilon 'Roseus'

Maple (Tangerine-flowering) Abutilon hybridum 'Tangerine'

Maple (Vesuvius red-flowering) Abutilon hybridum 'Vesuvius Red'

maple Acer ginnala

maple Acer rubrum

maple Acer saccharinum

Mesquite (Chilean) Prosopis chilensis

mulberry Morus alba

Oak (Red)

oak Quercus ilicifolia

oak Quercus palustris

oak Quercus phellos

oak Quercus virginiana

Palm (Cat)

Palm (Chinese fountain)

Palm (Christmas)

palm Areca

palm Arecastrum romanzoffianum

palm Chamaedorea elegans

palm Cycas revoluta

palm Phoenix roebelenii

Palm Washingtonia robusta

Pine (Austrian black)

Pine (Bosnian)

Pine (Columnar Scotch)

Pine (Eldarica)

Pine (Mugo-mugho)

Pine (Pumillo-shrubbery swiss mountain)

pine Pinus aristata

pine Pinus canariensis

pine Pinus contorta

pine Pinus contorta var. contorta

pine Pinus radiata

pine Pinus strobus


redbud Cercis canadensis

Russian olive Elaeagnus angustifolia

Scotch pine Pinus sylvestris

sequoia Sequoiadendron giganteum

sourwood Oxydendrum arboreum

southern magnolia Magnolia grandiflora

Spruce (Conica-dwarf alberta)

Spruce (Dwarf Alberta) Picea glauca 'Conica'

Spruce (Dwarf globe blue)

Spruce (Glauca-Colorado blue) Picea pungens 'Glauca'

Spruce (Hoopsii-Hoop's blue) Picea pungens 'Hoopsii'

Spruce (Koster-Koster blue) Picea pungens 'Koster'

Spruce (Pendula-weeping Norway) Picea abies 'Pendula'

Spruce (Repens-spreading Norway) Picea abies 'Repens'

spruce Picea abies

sycamore Platanus racemosa

Tab (Yellow)

toyon Heteromeles arbutifolia

Tree fern (Australian)

Tree fern (Tasmanian)

white pine Pinus strobus

Willow (Babylon weeping)

Non-bearing Fruit & Nut Trees and Non-bearing Vineyards


American grape





black olive

Black walnut








English walnut

European Grape








Macadamia nut












Russian olive Sour cherry

Sweet cherry